This idea-thon was an invitation to seize new conceptual tools brought forward by the RETHINK project and experiment with them, working on practical science engagement cases – or “problems”. These are real life scenarios brought forward by participants of the idea-thon seeking the help of their peers.
A central concept was sensemaking. RETHINK researchers have been exploring how sensemaking can be applied to science engagement – and they believe that it opens new ways of interacting with audiences, whether new, old, familiar or underserved. They have also identified a series of roles used in science communication, a useful tool to reflect on your own practice and expand your palette.
Overall aims of the workshops for RETHINK:
- in line with the project vision, “contributing to the enhancement of openness and reflexivity, which is crucial to letting the contextual knowledge of citizens play a central role in the shaping of future developments“
- collect concrete and sharable ideas to use project findings in the daily practices of scicomm
What we hope participants got out of it:
- with the help of new concepts, reflect on scicomm and their own practice
- experiment how these new concepts could inspire future practice
- meet peers interested in novel scicomm practices (in particular sensemaking and work with underserved audiences)
- enjoy working on a creative challeng
The four challenges tackled illustrated by Visuality:
Challenge #1

Challenge #2

Challenge #3

Challenge #4